this is indigo, or as i like to call her, indie! she has a million nicknames, including but not limited to banini, booby, tinky and silly! as of the time writing this (nov 2023), indie is 2 and a half years old!
while not my first cat, indie was the first one i got on my own and paid money for. she was a kitten born to a stray in town that a family took in during a storm. they then took to facebook to adopt out her and her siblings. the day i got indie, i had actually been looking for a cat already and was half way out of town to meet some other kittens when the couple who had indie reached me. i had always wanted a black cat, so i told my friend who had been driving me there about it and she agreed to turning around!
when we got there, it was their daughters birthday and a cute little girl and her parents came out to greet us. i had already told them i wanted the girl and so they carried indie out and handed them $30 as they gave her to me. she was SO SO SO tiny! i tucked her into my jacket so she wouldnt be startled by the car or anything and we settled in for the short ride home.
after getting her home and sneaking her inside without my grandparents or siblings being alerted, my friend and i settled her in with plenty of toys and her litterbox, as well as a bed of blankets for her. i had sealed off most of the smaller areas of my room so she wouldn't get stuck anywhere. my family honestly found out that night about her because she kept crying and they heard her, but they let me keep her. the very next day she had completely settled in, playing with her toys and destroying things and it was like she had completely forgotten how scared she was the day before. she'd cuddle next to me at night and lay on my neck and sit between me and the sides of my chair. she was literally so tiny at this point in time, i can't stress it enough - she still is! my teeny tiny baba boo indie banini!
her gotcha day is may 6th, 2021 and she was probabaly born around late march or early april that year. indie is bonded to her sister (not biological) honey, who i unexepectedly took in only three months after getting indie! the two immediately got along and could be found cuddling whenever honey wasn't in hiding.
honey was a surprise! she wasn't initially planned on being kept, but once i saw her i couldn't resist. shes a gorgeous tortoiseshell cat with white trim and her eyes are the prettiest shade of green.

in july of 2021, i woke up to my family talking about a cat and i was shocked to find a kitten in my sisters room. they had found her in the road at the park, running between the cars driving by. my sister jumped out and ran over to her and grabbed her, having my grandpa take her home with them. they apparently were going to take her to the humane society, but when i woke up and saw her i immediately claimed her. she was just too cute. for the first week i kept her in my bathroom and let her and indie get used to each other with short visits and sniffing under the door, but i quickly realized they REALLY liked each other! they'd cuddle any chance they got, and i could tell indie made honey feel very safe. that was good, because honey was honestly traumatized and scared for her life.

honey warmed up to me pretty quickly as well, and had made a home in my bathroom drawer. i remember i panicked because i couldn't find her once only to see her in the corner of the drawer - i hadn't known there was a hole in the back she could fit in.
after a while i let her start free roaming my bedroom where she chose her favorite spot under my bed. she hides down there anytime someone comes in my room, as she's super shy. she acts borderline feral around other people, but when it's just me, she's my little princess. she loves to cuddle and make biscuits. when you hug her, she feels like a squishmallow or something, she's so soft and squishy! she's grown to be SUPER fat and she's SOOO cute!
my super sweet little guy and my youngest cat! heathcliff, or just cliffy for short, was initially going to be a foster. my best friend's mom stepped outside one day and found a small infant kitten, only about a week old. both her and my friend were far too busy to care for him at the time and our humane societies were full. they reached me, and i immediately agreed to take care of him.
he was so itty bitty, his eyes were still blue and his ears still yet to unfold. he was so cold and a little wet, and his little mustache pattern was so small we were unsure if he had gotten hurt or not (he was completely fine!)

i got myself on his schedule, making sure i fed him every 2-3 hours and stimulated him when he needed to go to the restroom - he was a very quick learner! he understood quickly how to eat super watered down wet food with formula in it and would make such a mess. i had to clean him frequently.
his personality was HUGE from the get go! he'd reel his head back as far as he could before he'd dart himself forward to gnaw on my fingers. i spent a lot of time just holding and cuddling him. it wasn't long before he was a foster fail!! his gotcha day is july 27th, 2022, and he's my best boy.

he loves to sit in my lap and cuddle and he LOVES to play with his sisters, though it's more like bullying. he's super energetic and loves meeting new people (unless they're wearing a hat, he's scared of those) he also frequently sneaks outside when i'm not looking, but is smart enough to not leave our fenced in yard.
cliffy has a MIRIAD of nicknames from everyone i know - some of my favorites include cliffart, clifford and booby boy. he's also honestly a HUGE cat and doesn't quite understand how big he is. he often tries to hide in places that are WAY too small for him to fit in. he's a really cute little guy.